
Do you share our passion for learning as a faithful city?

At Leeds Church Institute we are committed to providing learning opportunities around faith and justice, in cooperation with partners around Leeds.

If you’d like to join us on this journey, become a member!

It’s FREE to sign up, everybody is welcome, and you’ll receive a quarterly copy of CityTheology magazine as well as regular email updates for all the latest events and resources. Plus you’ll help shape the future of LCI at our AGM each year.

Sign up today to join the Institute! Simply fill in the form below.


We have re-introduced a pay-as-you-feel membership donation. If you would like to contribute to the work of LCI you can make a donation of any amount here.

If  you are a UK taxpayer, your donation is eligible for an additional 25% GiftAid. Please fill out this form to GiftAid your donation.