Staff & Council


Vacancy – Director

This role is currently vacant 

Bronagh Daly – Faith & Creativity Lead

Bronagh as a background in fine art, and years of experience in the charity sector in Leeds. She is passionate about social justice, and using art as a conduit for learning about faith and sharing the good news of the Gospel.

Dwayne Hutchinson – Faith & Racial Justice Lead

Dwayne is passionate about seeking racial justice in Leeds and beyond, and works with partners across Leeds to ensure everyone is included in building anti-racist communities.

Paul Coleman – Faith at the Margins Lead

Paul is a researcher and Methodist local preacher. His work as Faith at the Margins Lead includes working with Citizens groups to facilitate local communities seeking justice, creating safe spaces for Disabled Christians to learn and worship, and building connections between groups working to support Leeds communities with repair cafés, worship gatherings, and shared meals.

Alistair Cheetham – Finance & Compliance Lead

Alistair promotes LCI’s Ethical Efficient Effective policy with his financial, HR and event management for the organisation. As Company Secretary he ensures good governance and support for the LCI Council and its members.

Emma Temple – Marketing & Communications Manager

Emma is a copywriter and campaigner who wants to share the good news of inclusive, justice-centred faith in Leeds. She has a background in marketing and Christian student work, and seeks to bring LCI’s theological learning resources to new audiences.



LCI have a number of contributors who work with the core staff team and help make LCI the success it is. Behind the scenes we have support for technical, editorial and design work, as well as many other artists, event facilitators, musicians, workshop hosts and contributors whose work is linked to different themes and strands of LCI’s values. LCI contributors are a diverse bunch who come from a range of backgrounds which strengthens and renews innovative practice into our work.


Revd Canon Paul Maybury – Chair and President

Revd Paul joins LCI as the next Rector of Leeds. Previously at Bradford Cathedral as Acting Dean and Canon Precentor as well working as Bishop’s Mission Priest in the Diocese of Cyprus.

Revd Dr Joseph Cortis – Vice Chair & Vice President

Joe is a permanent deacon based at Leeds Cathedral, a Trustee of Catholic Care and coordinator for Caritas Leeds. He has been a Council Member since 2012 bringing his experience from a long professional career in nursing and a commitment to justice and peace.

Lydia Groenewald – Treasurer

Lydia is a Chartered Accountant with many years of experience working with diverse charities as Trustee and Treasurer.  She worships at All Hallows in Leeds (where her husband is the vicar).  She has been a member of LCI Council since 2020.

Revd Canon Ann Nicholl – Vice Chair & Vice President

Ann is Assistant Wardens of Readers for the Leeds Episcopal area and a member of the Leeds Diocesan Board. She has been a Council Member since 2006 and brings her experience of working as a head teacher and a licensed lay minister, as well as being trustee of a number of charities.

Trish Sandbach – Council Member

Trish is a member of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds Justice and Peace Commission. She has been a Council Member since 2012 and brings to LCI a particular commitment to the environment, heartened and challenged by Pope Francis’ call to hear the “cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor”.

Trish is now retired from paid work and enjoying being involved with a range of organisations and activities.

Dr Jo Sadgrove – Council Member

Jo is an academic researcher in the Centre for Religion and Public Life at the University of Leeds. She is interested in faith based international development both as an academic researcher and a practitioner and is interested in translating across these sectors.

Anna Bland – Council Member

Anna is the Development Officer for Leeds Methodist Mission in the city centre. Through her work she is working to build community in the city centre, with a particular focus on activism.