For Refugee Week 2023, the Seeing Asylum exhibition has been on display at Leeds Minster. This photography project highlights the true hidden stories of women who have experienced the asylum process here in Leeds.

We’ve collected some simple actions you can take to respond to the insight the exhibition gives us, and improve the lives of those seeking sanctuary in Leeds.

Write to your MP about supporting asylum seekers – you can download a template letter here to send to your MP.

Volunteer with LASSN – find out how you can get involved here.

Donate and fundraise for local refugee charities – this is the most simple way you can support the work of LASSN, PAFRAS, anad RETAS.

Talk to your family and friends about your experience of the exhibition – why not sign up to receive emails from Leeds Church Institute, so you can invite others to future exhibition dates.

Support campaigns by LASSN and other organisations – organisations speaking truth to power is vital, including LASSN and Asylum Matters.

Learn more about the experience of seeking asylum and the right to remain – there is tonnes of information on the Asylum Matters and LASSN websites.

Read or watch something from our recommended reading list:

Ask your church to become a Church of Sanctuary or your school to become a School of Sanctuary.

Organise a Seeing Asylum exhibition in your church – contact [email protected] to find out more.

Pray for refugees and asylum seekers in Leeds – here is a prayer from Leeds Church Institute.


Dear Lord,
We ask for your grace, hope and guiding hand for all those who seek sanctuary here in Leeds.
May we join together, united in faith, to welcome those who seek our help.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and inspired by your confidence, we ask for all those in positions of power to hear the cry of those most in need of our help.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,