Stories from the Forests of Leeds_course 2 flyer copyA year of hearing, creating and learning about stories, led by author and theatre producer Daniel Ingram-Brown.
Group two dates:
27th January – Why are stories important
10th February – Writing workshop 1 (based on ideas from Sara Maitland’s ‘Gossip from the Forest’)
10th March – The Seven Basic Plots: Why we tell stories (by Christopher Brooker)
21st April – Writing workshop 2
12th May – Book discussion -‘Haroun and the Sea of Stories’ by Salman Rushdie
23rd June – Writing workshop 3
14th July – Storytelling time and group meal
All sessions will be from 7-9.30pm at LCI LS1 6DG (opposite the Corn Exchange, above ‘Out of This World’)
To book a place please email [email protected] or phone 0113 391 7928