The Leeds Big Bookend Festival and LCI

Stories from the Forests of Leeds Saturday 6th June,11am-4pm at the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, Parkinson Building, Leeds, LS2 9JT Imagine Leeds as a forest-a complex, diverse place with no wide landscape, just roads threaded between buildings connecting people...

Book Review of Finding Mr Goldman

Book Review by Linda Casper Title:                Finding Mr Goldman (A parable) Author:            David Rhodes Publisher:       SPCK Publishing In true parable fashion, Rhodes doesn’t waste a word in this novel which leads the reader through a series of vignettes...

An Evening of Subversive Peacemaking

By Stroma McDermott LCI were delighted to be part of the book launch of Clive Barrett’s new book Subversive Peacemakers at which both Clive Barret and Lindis Percy shared their perspectives of conscientious objection and resistance to war making. Clive concentrated on...