Jul 20, 2015 | christian, discussion
Saturday 17th October 10am-3pm at St Chad’s Church, Otley Road, Far Headingley, LS16 5JT. Join us for an informative, practical and spiritual day. Explore how an earth-based discipleship brings good news to all creation. Led by Noel Moules. To book email...
Mar 5, 2015 | Blog, leeds
Engaging with the city – one blade of grass at a time… Pippa Woodhams launches the second (warmer) half of the year for Wild City Retreats. I was talking with an asylum seeker recently, who was under imminent threat of deportation. The difference with this...
Dec 2, 2014 | Blog, Courses
Doctor Who was scanning a London skyline unexpectedly invaded overnight by … forest! Probably not the scene LCI intended to evoke by the phrase “Wild City Retreats”, or by “Stories from the forests of Leeds” . It made a great episode, alongside references to...