Hospitality and Sanctuary for All

This resource, written by Inderjit Bhogal, offers prompts for conversation and reflection on the theme of hospitality and sanctuary. Though people of different backgrounds are involved in the work of hospitality and sanctuary, this is a resource produced for Churches....

The trees of the field don't always clap gently

In January’s Wild City Retreat we were thrown into the wild force of the wind. None of us chose to stay out for more than a short while. It was far more comfortable to remain inside sipping hot spiced apple juice while learning about the old tradition of...
“Let your ears eat grass…”

“Let your ears eat grass…”

“Let your ears eat grass”. I heard this Jamaican expression the other day, during a passing conversation, and it got me thinking.  In all the exuberance and noise of this vibrant West Indian culture, these words  also express something of the need for downtime,...
What if stories changed people, referendums and reality?

What if stories changed people, referendums and reality?

Would you like to join a society of possible histories? We want to change the world. Last weekend, I was helping recruit new members to the Knaresborough Society of Possible Histories, as part of Release the Hounds Festival. As part of educating new members about the...