What attracts churches to Leeds Citizens?

What attracts churches to Leeds Citizens? Dr Helen Reid asks how participating in Community Organising can be a distinctively Christian endeavour. Perhaps the most common way Christians seek the welfare of their neighbours is through the pastoral care of individuals,...

L is for Lifestyle, P is for Pilgrim

L is for Lifestyle, P is for Pilgrim By Stroma McDermott This September at LCI, we launched our new Autumn/Winter programme ‘People’s Pilgrimage Leeds: Theology and Action around Climate Change’ to coincide with events taking place nationally as part of the run up to...

So quiet you hardly hear it?

Good news should come with a drum roll surely? When news is actually good, it should grab attention and make us all feel positive about life. But when the good news comes as a whisper, unexpectedly, perhaps even as a secondary meaning of what is heard, it is both...
The Leeds Story Cycle

The Leeds Story Cycle

Seven stories set on the day of the Grand Départ of the Tour de France “…moving, shocking, humorous, sad and hopeful.” Dr Helen Reid Special discounted price, including postage: £10 (RRP £14.99) Published by LCI and The Leeds Big Bookend Festival...