Reflecting: HAREHILLS. meet . retreat . eat

Wednesday 25th May 2016. 10am-1pm. Think you know a place?  What if you encountered it, in faith, in a fresh way?  Well please join us for a transformative urban retreat. We MEET at Trinity United Church, Banstead Terrace East, LS8 5PX at 10am. We RETREAT, starting...

Drink with a Chimp Review – a remarkable piece of theatre…

Review from The Public Reviews Performance: Carriageworks Theatre, Leeds, 5th June 2015 Lead Writer: Daniel Ingram-Brown Director: Simon Brewis Reviewer: David Gann Drink with a Chimp is a remarkable piece of theatre. It is well written, acted and directed, but most...

The Leeds Big Bookend Festival and LCI

Stories from the Forests of Leeds Saturday 6th June,11am-4pm at the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, Parkinson Building, Leeds, LS2 9JT Imagine Leeds as a forest-a complex, diverse place with no wide landscape, just roads threaded between buildings connecting people...