Creative Co-Creating: Combining theology and photography

Creative Co-Creating: Combining theology and photography

A theologian. With a camera. Exploring nature. In the city. Those four elements introduce intriguing possibilities and enlightening experiences. I know, because I am that theologian-photographer. Making Photographs I say I “make” photographs. Good photography often...
What might you learn about the meaning of Christmas #2016

What might you learn about the meaning of Christmas #2016

LCI director, Helen Reid, challenges us to hear children’s voices this Christmas. Anne Richards, an advisor for mission theology in the Church of England, has written a great book on ‘Children in the Bible’. It was shortlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize. It...
An Advent Reflection on a Mother's Pain

An Advent Reflection on a Mother's Pain

Author David Rhodes tells a story that bridges the centuries. The scene is familiar. A young woman is giving birth to a child. She and her people live in a land ruled by oppression and fear. A foreign invader has overrun their country. Everywhere there is injustice...