What might you learn about the meaning of Christmas #2016

What might you learn about the meaning of Christmas #2016

LCI director, Helen Reid, challenges us to hear children’s voices this Christmas. Anne Richards, an advisor for mission theology in the Church of England, has written a great book on ‘Children in the Bible’. It was shortlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize. It...
An Advent Reflection on a Mother's Pain

An Advent Reflection on a Mother's Pain

Author David Rhodes tells a story that bridges the centuries. The scene is familiar. A young woman is giving birth to a child. She and her people live in a land ruled by oppression and fear. A foreign invader has overrun their country. Everywhere there is injustice...
Can Jesus Save the Bible?

Can Jesus Save the Bible?

LCI Council member, Revd Simon Hall, reports on speaker, author and theologian Michael Hardin’s visit to LCI and asks the question “How did Jesus read his Bible?” I spend a lot of time debating on Facebook. Probably not hours every day, but certainly...
Wisdom on the Way

Wisdom on the Way

Wisdom on the Way was the title for a short reflective series this autumn, convened by Leeds Church Institute and Leeds Christian Community Trust to support people working in urban communities in Leeds and beyond. The aim was to develop a small community of learning....