“Let your ears eat grass…”

“Let your ears eat grass…”

“Let your ears eat grass”. I heard this Jamaican expression the other day, during a passing conversation, and it got me thinking.  In all the exuberance and noise of this vibrant West Indian culture, these words  also express something of the need for downtime,...
What’s your Perspective?

What’s your Perspective?

The Perspective Preaching Series is an LCI initiative. We want to see Christians in Leeds growing in their own faith and understanding of Scripture through learning from Jewish commentary and the perspective of their Jewish neighbours. This learning is important given...
Will it ever get easier to find a job in the North?

Will it ever get easier to find a job in the North?

 On the news we hear that the level of unemployment is down, but analysis shows this isn’t unreservedly good news. People may be in precarious employment, perhaps with a ‘zero hours’ contract and no job security (Philip Bee in Unemployment and the Future of...