OldCamera_shutterstock_69755206The Perspective Preaching Series is an LCI initiative. We want to see Christians in Leeds growing in their own faith and understanding of Scripture through learning from Jewish commentary and the perspective of their Jewish neighbours.
This learning is important given the shared texts of Christianity and Judaism, and also because Christians and Jews have lived alongside each other in Leeds for decades.
At LCI, we are committed to being a learning community. As preachers, you are in a learning community with congregations. The blogsite is an opportunity to be in a learning community with other preachers. Please share your sermons and feedback from sermons with others, and respond to other people’s posts.
Share your perspective and join the online debate
Perspectives bibliography
Perspectives Lecture Notes – Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz
Perspectives handout – 20.10.14
Rabbi Ester Hugenholtz Jeremiah – 20.10.14
Perspectives Programme Feb to July
Click here to see sermons and feedback