Mary and Martha Meet

Mary and Martha Meet

Second Friday of the month, 10-11.15 at LCI For parents and carers with their young children. An opportunity for adults to explore theology and the city, while the children play. At LCI, we have the idea for this, but please help us to shape it. Respond to...
The Hook Lecture 2012: Faith in Public Life (podcast)

The Hook Lecture 2012: Faith in Public Life (podcast)

2012’s Hook Lecture was given by Mona Siddiqui OBE FRSE FRSA. As professor of Islamic and Interreligious studies at Edinburgh University and contributor to  Radio 4’s thought for the day, her subject was Faith in Public Life. Click the play button below to...
Getting Ready for ministry in Yorkshire

Getting Ready for ministry in Yorkshire

The Yorkshire Ministry Course Council Away Day began with a biblical reflection. The marks of the church in Antioch (Acts 11: 19-30) were seen as attentiveness to the Spirit, experience of grace and support and exchange between church communities. After the biblical...
Giles Fraser: Hook Lecture 2013 at Leeds Minster

Giles Fraser: Hook Lecture 2013 at Leeds Minster

The 2013 Hook Lecture will be given by Giles Fraser, priest-in-charge at St Mary’s Newington in south London, former canon chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, columnist for the Guardian and frequently Radio 4 contributor. The lecture is entitled Original Helplessness...