Mapping the Future Together

Weds 11th May, 7.30-9pm at Leeds Church Institute, 20 New Market Street, LS1 6DG. A gathering of churches and Christian projects in Leeds. Coming together to map ecumenical mission in the city, take seriously what your Churches Together group is doing, tap into the...

Hook Lecture 2016: Lord Bhikhu Parekh

This year’s Hook Lecture will be delivered by Lord Bhikhu Parekh, who will be talking about British identity and the role of religion. Thursday 17th November 7.30pm at Leeds Minster, LS2 7DJ Admission is free but by ticket only. To reserve one please contact LCI...

Guns and Deck Chairs

Guns and Deck Chairs        by David Rhodes The prize for the world’s worst Christmas card must surely have been won by a United States congresswoman. The card showed her in a family group with her husband and children. What made the picture shocking was that each...

Entering the Cloister of Creation

“Entering the Cloister of Creation” by Pippa Woodhams It was a cold, grey, damp morning in June. A Wild City Retreat group had come together to enjoy summertime and discover new insights about ourselves, God and the natural world. The picnic didn’t happen, we stayed...

Wild City Retreats Go WILD in the CITY

explore . expand . experiment Saturday mornings –  May 7th, June 11th and July 2nd 9.45am-1pm. Wild City Retreats in the Epicentre Rooms, Meanwood Valley Urban Farm. Take time out to stop, and to look closely at the FIRST book of God: the natural world. Wild...