advent-challenge-frontWhat does Christmas mean to you? This is the question we are posing in #myadventchallenge. Using multiple social media platforms, and with a different theme each day, we are inviting them to share images accompanied by brief captions throughout advent.
To follow this unique advent calendar of images, you can look for us on Twitter: @MyAdvent2016, Facebook: @myadventchallenge or Instagram: @myadventchallenge.
If you want to know more, contact Helen Reid via [email protected] or call 0113 391 7928.
LCI has a Social Media Policy
In addition to this, the following are points for specific consideration because #MyAdventChallenge is promoted among young people. Organisations taking part agree to

  • Only promote the site to children aged 13 or older
  • Encourage young people to view these two videos about online safety

  • Remind young people to protect their online privacy
  • We will not share people’s full name or the name of your account, but will repost pictures
  • Advise people that if they are concerned by a communication, raise it using the procedures of the social media agent they are using, eg facebook, twitter or instagram
  • Be careful how images are used
  • Use the accounts for social networking, not for general socialising or making direct personal contact
  • Focus communication between the hours of 8am and 9pm

Emily Bosworth, Lawrence Cockrill and Helen Reid are named people who have access to admin of the site.
If anyone has a cause for concern regarding a young person’s welfare, they are to contact
Dr Helen Reid
Director of LCI
[email protected]
07867 929924
For more detailed advice on young people and social media, see