MERCY, JUSTICE AND WELFARE REFORM By Stroma McDermott On 5th March Oxford Place Methodist Centre hosted a multi-agency workshop on Welfare Reform. The presenters offered a powerful combination of statistics on the impact of Welfare Reform, the experience of testifiers...

African Christianity Rising-Stories from Ghana

Documentary film screening and panel discussion. What does Christianity’s explosive growth in Africa mean for the world, the Church and us? Monday 23rd February 4.15-6.30pm at the Baines Wing SR (4.12), The University of Leeds.
Alphabet Club at Hyde Park Picture House

Alphabet Club at Hyde Park Picture House

Monday 8th December, 7pm at Hyde Park Picture House, LS6 1JD. Alphabet Club is part of the Dancing Bear Trilogy, a series of talks, films and performance by Leeds-based director Jamie Fletcher that aims to engage and encourage different audiences in conversations,...